10 Basic Facebook Tricks You Should Know

Here is another set of facebook tricks , this time the basic stuff. facebook is one of the most popular social networking site. Its has million of users but unfortunately most of the people doesn't know the basic stuff or features facebook offers them to customize thier facebook account according to their desire. Here is a collection of some tricks which you might be helpful to you.I'll be adding more tricks here as soon as i get my hands on some of them.

10 Basic Facebook Tricks You Should Know

1. Get facebook User ID

For this trick i have three wonderful working methods for which i have an another post. You can see the trick here.

2. Turn Off Facebook Notification Sounds

Do you use facebook at night and don't want to distrub others with your facebook notification sounds or you are sick with it. Then turn Off these sounds by
Login to your facebook account > Settings > Notification tab.
Jump to How you get notifications > on Facebook > Click view and untick Play a sound when each new notification is received.

3. View your facebook profile history

Login to your Facebook account  and then enter the following link in browser’s address bar http://www.archivedbook.com/ and click Read your profile history now button.
you’ll be redirected to facebook app page.
A app box will open asking for permissions click the okay button.
You’ll be redirected to http://archivedbook.com/ page where you’ll get all the history posts, videos, photos etc.

4. Download facebook history to your PC

Log-in to your Facebook account. Go to Settings > General Tab > click “ Download a copy of your Facebook data.”  .
In the page that opens click Start my archive Button > renter the password in the box that appears and then click okay. Next click the start archive button in another box that opens.
Facebook will then gather your information and will send an e-mail to the email associated with your facebook account when it is ready for download.
A box will appear with the above status click the okay button.
Check your email after sometime for the mail from facebook containing the link to download your information archive.

5. Find if someone hacked your facebook account

Login to your Facebook account . Go to Settings > Security Tab > click on the "where you are logged in". If there is an active session from some other location then probably someone has accessed your facebook account click end activity to end it.

6. Change your name on facebook

Login to your Facebook account . Go to Settings > General Tab > click edit link in front of name. Change your name, enter your password and click on save changes button.

7. Remove facebook apps you don't use

Login to your Facebook account . Go to Settings > Apps Tab >  click on apps you use > click the edit link in front of app you want to remove  and click remove app at the bottom. A box will appear click remove app.

8. How to block Facebook Apps

Login to your facebook account. Go to Settings > Blocking Tab > Go to section : Block Apps. 
Now enter those apps that you installed and want to block.

9. Delete and terminate facebook account

Login to your Facebook account . Go to Settings > Security Tab > at the last you’ll see Deactivate your account.  Link . Click the link, a new page will open select the reason for deactivating your account and click confirm button.

10. Permanently delete facebook account

Login Facebook.com
Click on Submit under Delete My Account. 

(Bonus Tricks)

11.Get Notified when someone tries to Open your Facebook Account

Have you ever got worried that your facebook account be hacked and misued by other peoples then you need to turn on the notification feature which can send you an email or text/push message whenever someone tries to open your facebook account from some unknown device.
Go to Settings> Security >Login Notifications -- Enable the email or text/push message and click save changes.

Do you have some more basic facebook tricks? Let me know in the comments!
Thanks for Reading

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