Recover Unallocated Space in Pen Drive

Yesterday I tried to dual boot my PC with Windows 7 and kali Linux. For installing kali linux I used the "Kali Linux live USB Installation Method". For this method i downloaded the iso file and Win32 Disk Imager to make a bootable USB Drive/Pen Drive. Kalin Linux is the next version of backTrack which is a penetration testing Operating System, it is robust, best ever penetration testing OS. However the method i choosed to install is a bit messy. When i tried to make USB Drive bootable it ruined my whole Pen Drive, bootable drive wasn't created and i Reformatted the Drive. After the formatting the space of my drive was reduced to the size of ISO file near about 2 Gb. 

Recover Unallocated Space in Pen Drive

During creating the bootable USB Drive the software warned me that it can corrupt my Drive( What a kind of software is that, what it said it did. Whoops!). See the Instruction.

Win32 Disk Imager Warning

I checked the internet many users had the same problem. Fortuanetly I got the Solution. I'll be using Diskpart command line tool in windows 7 which provides information about your partitions and volumes, allows you to delete and create partitions, etc.
Here is how to get back the unallocated space of USB Drive after being corrupted by Win32 Disk Imager for Linux Install. We will be using Command Prompt here.
Here are the steps:

1. Open Command Prompt by typing cmd in run.

2. Type Diskpart and press enter , Diskpart command tool will open. 

Microsoft DiskPart version 6.2.9200 Copyright (C) 1999-2012 Microsoft Corporation.
On computer: COMPUTER

3. Type DISKPART> list disk ans you'll get this.

  Disk ###  Status         Size     Free     Dyn  Gpt 
  --------  -------------  -------  -------  ---  --- 
  Disk 0    Online          298 GB      0 B 
  Disk 1    Online         7509 MB  5250 MB

4. Type DISKPART > select disk 1  (Here disk 1 is my USB Drive you have to choose your USB Drive no accordingly) and you will get the message "Disk 1 is now the selected disk". 
5. Type DISKPART> clean and you'll get the message "DiskPart succeeded in cleaning the disk."
6. Type DISKPART> create partition primary and you'll get the message "DiskPart succeeded in creating the specified partition". 
7. Type DISKPART> exit and the Command Prompt Window will exit. 
8. Format you USB Drive with original Space.

Source :


  1. My 16GB pen drive is reduced to 2.88'MB' surprisingly, after using win 32 for creating bootable drive to install ubuntu. I'm using windows 10 OS. What should I do now?


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