How to Create A Simple Infographic Online

Infographic or i like to say "Information With Art". And I simply love them.
Infographic are a great way to present information as the information contained within is presented in a graphic way which is easier to grasp or absorb by our brain. it makes complex information to be easily classified and undertand by the readers. I believe Infographic are the new key factors to an organisation success as using them will make their product reach out to the general public's mind easily and has a huge potential to grasp the Viewer's attention. 
For those who don't understand what are infographics can know that they are a way to present information in a graphical way. 

How to Create A Simple Infographic Online

Infographics history (acc. to Wikipedia) takes us to 1626 when Christoph Scheiner used Infographics  in the form of illustrations demonstrating the Sun’s rotation patterns in his book Rosa Ursina sive Sol.
However in 21st century the importance of infographic has increased to a remarkable extent. Infographics are an evolving medium to show knowledge and information so we should know how to exploit its potential. In my opinion the day is closer when infographics will be everywhere from advertisements to books or almost anything where information has to be conveyed.
Some stats regarding infographics are depicted in this infographic. (this image was obtained from the internet)

However taking of the merits of infographics we have to see the other side of the coin. Infographics are a great way to present information but has some demerits too like
  • Only the vital points can be highlighted in and not every detail of the agenda or product.
  • Infographics can take a long time to create as they have to be planned in terms of appropriate content and appropriate graphics and collect information with proofs/disclaimer and time to create it. A graphic designer can appropriately y tell how much it takes to create an infographic.

This blog post depicts how i created a simple infographic for my very new blog Acidic Ginger. For those who need a quick start to making infographics online can go through this blog post in which i have shown how I created a simple infographic on
I will surely be coming on various unique and informative posts on infographics.

How I Created a Simple Infographic For My Blog

Lets create a simple Infographic.. This section will take you throw the steps depicting how i created my infographic. The steps are really very simple.
This is my Infographic.

Step1. Open your browser and Go to 
Step2. Register ( if you haven't) otherwise login.
Step3. You will see a number of themes, i choosed fresh theme, cleared the canvas started making on.
Step4. Choose Text > Title and drag it on the canvas, then double clicked to edit it. I wrote Acidic Changed font size to 112.

Step5. Doing the Same Text > Title I wrote Ginger but changed the colour to as shown above.

Step6. Introduce a circle by going to Shapes  and drag a circle to the right upper corner as shown.

Step7. Then introduce timeline " Cos' Learning is Advancing" as shown by going to Text > body and write the timeline. Adjust its size and opacity and colour as shown.

Step8. Position the timeline near the right upper end corner above the title.

Step9. Then add two lines below title( upper one solid(opacity = 100) and below on with less opacity and different colo)r by going to Shapes, choosing line and adjusting the length.

Step10. Then add shape and a line as shown below 

Step11. Then introduce the various categories blog deals with. Here i added facebook, PC , blogging, SEO, Android and change the color accordingly.

Step12. Then add a shape which is of a rocket type and write some lines as you wish like i have done.

Step13. Introduce an avtar by going to Objects > People and choose the last one and add a comment box below it add your name.

Step14. Introduce something creative like a tow truck by going to Objects > Transportation and introduce something creative line.

Step15. Add Objects like a heart and comment and add your line like "Like us on Facebook and Google+" & "Share, Comment and give your suggestions".

Step16. Lastly add blog address in the footer section at the right hand side.
and here's the infographic.

Thanks for Reading

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