How to Create a Facebook Fan Page for your Weblog
The time i made this blog, I thought to not just make a simple fun blog which only one or two people read but make it reach to millions of people. So when i made my blog layout i decided to make a facebook fan page and integrate its like box on my blog.
It was after 20 posts that i invited my friends to like its fan page. one of my friends who liked my blog so much wanted to know how i made the facebook fan page. Actually it was funny when he asked me like this :
"hey bhavuk, you had made a blog so how it converted to facebook page?".
So this post is esp. dedicated to him.
This is a step by step procedure to make a facebook fan page for your blog.
1. Go to Facebook homepage.
2. Click the create page link at the bottom.
3. If you haven't login to your facebook account, it'll ask you to login in. So login with your facebook account.
4. After login you will be taken to Create page webpage.Choose "Brand or Product" Section.
5. In Category Choose Website and give It a name, for my blog it was "Acidic Ginger" and click get Started button.
6. Then setup your page by entering the description in the textbox and give your websites' address, Choose a unique Facebook web address. Once this is set, it can only be changed once so choose it carefully and make it easier to remember by your readers.
7.In this Is AcidicGinger a real business, product or brand? Choose the No radio box. and click Save Info. button.
8. In the next step give your page a profile pic. It can be your logo. You can either import from website or upload it from your computer.
9. In the next step, Click add to favorites button, it is for simply making your blogs' facebook page add to your favorites section.
10. The next step is to build audience for your blog, it asks you to advertise your page on facebook, if you want to promote your blog through advertising you can choose this otherwise simply click Skip button.
Your facebook fan page is made now you can simply add you page cover. Invite your friends and do some more things out there.
Facebook fan page is a must need for every blogger to easily reach to people and build your blogs' readership. It'll help you get more views and more backlinks. Easily advertise your blog and if your blogs' is damn crazy it'll bring more readers and build your name.
It was after 20 posts that i invited my friends to like its fan page. one of my friends who liked my blog so much wanted to know how i made the facebook fan page. Actually it was funny when he asked me like this :
"hey bhavuk, you had made a blog so how it converted to facebook page?".
So this post is esp. dedicated to him.
This is a step by step procedure to make a facebook fan page for your blog.
1. Go to Facebook homepage.
2. Click the create page link at the bottom.
3. If you haven't login to your facebook account, it'll ask you to login in. So login with your facebook account.
4. After login you will be taken to Create page webpage.Choose "Brand or Product" Section.
5. In Category Choose Website and give It a name, for my blog it was "Acidic Ginger" and click get Started button.
7.In this Is AcidicGinger a real business, product or brand? Choose the No radio box. and click Save Info. button.
8. In the next step give your page a profile pic. It can be your logo. You can either import from website or upload it from your computer.
9. In the next step, Click add to favorites button, it is for simply making your blogs' facebook page add to your favorites section.
10. The next step is to build audience for your blog, it asks you to advertise your page on facebook, if you want to promote your blog through advertising you can choose this otherwise simply click Skip button.
Your facebook fan page is made now you can simply add you page cover. Invite your friends and do some more things out there.
Facebook fan page is a must need for every blogger to easily reach to people and build your blogs' readership. It'll help you get more views and more backlinks. Easily advertise your blog and if your blogs' is damn crazy it'll bring more readers and build your name.
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