How to Use Hash Tag in Facebook

Every day, more than 4.75 billion pieces of content are shared on Facebook.* In many cases, these conversations are about brands, products, public figures and local businesses. Facebook is now one of the most remarkable content sharing medium on the net. Facebook is always in a habit to come up with something new everytime. The coming up of News Feed feature was a huge success till date which gave Facebook a look of personalized newspaper in which you get the updated information every time you log in to Facebook from the the pages you have liked.
To extend this feature, and make it more specific, Facebook recently introduced the Hash tag feature which brings up all of the public posts related to a particular keyword in case on esearchesor clicks the tagged keyword. One of the greatest advantages of this hash tag feature is that you get all the related posts from too old to recently new ones and you don't have to search over and over piles to get all the news on the topic. Hope you get to understand what is Really hash tag, what is its significance or Why it was Introduced?

Till date, there has not been a more convenient or organized way to monitor events or discussions on Facebook on a grand scale. But now, the roll out of hash tags should help people participate in public conversations they are interested in.

How to create a hash tag?

Hashtags turn topics and phrases into clickable links in your posts on your personal Timeline or Page. This helps people find posts about topics they’re interested in. To make a hash tag, write # (the number sign) along with a topic or phrase and add it to your post.
For example: I walked up so many hills today! #SanFrancisco

Things to Remember while creating a hash tag:

1. Write the hash tag as a single entity, do not include any spaces in between..
2. You can include numbers in a hash tag, but punctuation and special characters (like $ and %) won't work i.e. it will not make the word a hash tag.

Basic Information about hash tag :

1. When you click a hash tag, you’ll see a feed of posts that include that hash tag. You may also see some related hash tags at the top of the page.
2. Every hash tag on Facebook has its own unique URL.
3. You can search for a hash tag using the search bar at the top of any page.
4. The hash tags works on personal profile posts, fan page posts, group posts, event posts, and all comments.

Who can see your posts when you use hash tag?

1. Remember public posts are public i.e. anyone can see in the feed of that hash tag. The post will appear to all who search for that hash tag.
2. One who shares the posts with friends only, will make his/her post available to friends only and not any one else. It will appear in only those hash tag feeds open by your friends.Private (friends-only) posts—with or without hash tags—are just that: private and visible to friends only
3. Even when friends include hash tags in comments on your friends-only thread, your post is still private and visible just to your friends.
4. With hash tags shared in private groups, that clickable hash tag will open to show public posts with that tag (along with any friends' posts with that tag), but posts from the private group are only available to group members.

Blogging Tip: Use hash tag to Drive more Traffic to your Blog

1. Each Facebook hash tag has its own unique URL with a status update box at the top. Drive traffic to that URL from other sites to spark more conversation. For example use #BlogName is every post of your blog on Facebook to reserve a hash tag name for you blog  and drive traffic on that URL to get more People indulged.
2. Include hash tags even when you are posting from your  mobile or smartphone. Although hash tags don't work on mobile yet, they do work on desktop when posted through your mobile device.
3. Think about your blog topic and do include the hash tag of the topic too. For example if you have a blog post related to FIFA World Cup do include #FIFAWorldCup to get people to see your post on the same.This will drive more traffic to your blog post.
4. Use tags in trending topics related to your blog.
5. Capitalize the #FirstLetterI­nEachWord of your hash tag to make it more readable
6. Don´t include many hash tags as it might give an impression of an advertisement and spoil your post.

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